Friday, November 15, 2013

New eating plans...

Recently read an article on FlakeBuc that denounced six of the dieting myths. Most were not a surprise to me. I've mentioned before how I stopped trusting the experts over the egg insanity. First they're the perfect food and then they're the worst food ever created, then they're back to being the perfect food.

I also developed my own theories, over the years, watching the diet craze escalate while America increased in weight. How could dieting possibly be healthy if we're all more aware of our eating but not losing weight? I don't respond well to hearing one thing and seeing something entirely different.

According to the diet experts, I should be dead. Clearly, they are wrong. How much more evidence do I need to finally accept that the experts cannot be trusted?

Time to rethink with a whole new perspective.

First note: God did it right, the first time.

Second note: God is aware of my limitations. He is concerned for me so He wouldn't encourage me to poison myself, which means just because bran is healthy for most people doesn't mean it's healthy every single person. Nowhere in the Bible or anywhere else does God decree that BRAN is essential. I dare you to find it. Go ahead. I'll wait.

Probably enough to start for now.

This is going to be fun.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.