Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Playing catch up...

I'm writing, editing, working, reading, and there isn't enough time in the day.

Do I feel overwhelmed?


Am I tired?


How's my exercise?

Okay, but slacking a little.

How's my eating?

Not so good but could be much worse.

How's my sleeping?

Not great.

Shoot. I still put sleep last on the list.


  1. Is your reading for pleasure or research? Do you use it as a break from your writing/editing/work? How easy is it for you to go back to work after reading, or do you save the ready for when you are done with your writing for the day? Sorry for all the questions, I'm just curious -- having trouble myself being disciplined with my own reading. I tend to pick something up to read, and then everything else stops until I finish the book! :-D

    1. Anything I read ends up being research of one sort or another. :-) However, I know what you meant. It's usually reading for pleasure. Yes, I use it for a break. I need to put my feet up periodically throughout the day. Best way I know is to read. If the book is really good, then yes it's tough to go back to writing. If I know the book is going to be really good (a favorite author), I simply plan for a reading marathon and call it a long break. :-) Having said that, I'll frequently have ideas pop into my head as I'm reading and then I'm back to writing. I also use FB and Pinterest as breaks if I'm afraid the reading will distract me too much. I'm better at keeping to a set time with Pinterest than with FB, but I'm learning.


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.