Friday, October 16, 2015

Brain Dump

Innocent little babies being killed and butchered in the name of choice. What about the baby's choice? The baby didn't ask to be conceived.

They are sold like slaves and murdered wholesale for their parts.

For the record: Planned Parenthood is a private organization and is under felony investigation. I repeat: PP is NOT a government organization; it is a PRIVATE business.

Nonprofit is a TAX status not a business status.

And yet people still want 500 million dollars of taxpayer money to go to under 700 sites, while that same amount could be given to over 13,000 women's clinics nationwide that do provide a wide variety of health care options, including mammograms.

86% of PP income is from abortions.

There are those who swear that taxpayer money is not used to pay for abortions. There is no special stickie attached to the taxpayer money that says "Not to be used for abortions." All the PP money goes into the same account. All. Of. It.

PP employees make a commission on each abortion they sell. PP has upped their quota, which requires their employees to sell more abortions. PP doctors make a commission on every abortion they perform.

PP buys birth control pills for $2 and some change and is reimbursed by the government with $20 and some change. Pretty profit.

PP has NEVER done a single mammogram, ever.

I know, the pie chart says that only 3% of PP is abortion procedures. Did you know that handing out 1 condom is counted as 1 item and equal to 1 abortion? The actual procedure is 1 item and counted separate from the consultation (1 item) and follow up (1 item).

Justifying the 3% felony with the 97% "good" PP does is like saying that a teacher who only molests 3% of his/her students should get a pass because they're good with 97% of the children. A man who rapes only 3% of his dates should be given a pass because he's good to the other 97%. A serial killer who only kills 3% of the people he meets should be allowed to go free because he didn't kill 97% of the other people he's met.

Rule #1: Stop lying. Especially to yourself.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.