Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Follow Up 10/20

So, how'd I do?

Lunch with a dear friend.

Worked on self edits. I'm only through chapter nine. So many of the things I do take longer than I planned.

I read a chapter of The Battle Plan for Prayer.

Spent some time in St. Luke.

Spent some time with my sister as she worked on my cover.

Didn't accomplish everything I planned. Even so, overall, not a bad day.


  1. Hi Judy, I've been gone from blogworld for a long time, but looking forward to catching up. The book Battle Plan for Prayer sounds really interesting! I like the way you said, Spent time in St. Luke! Thank you for continuing to pray for my son and DIL on your life. They were divorced and he has remarried. Even though things didn't turn out the way I had hoped, the LORD has been faithful to keep my DIL in my life because I do love her very much, and I pray for my son and his new wife to have the LORD's Will fulfilled in their lives. You are very sweet for keeping them in prayer!!! Hugs!

    1. Good to see you, again, Cathy! I would definitely recommend Battle Plan for Prayer. I also recently finished 40 Days of Grace, another great read. Life has a way of taking unexpected turns. I'll keep praying for them. God bless.


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.