Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Food Dilemma...

My eating is... better but not enough to notice healthy changes.

Here's the problem: I love crunch, which is why I love crackers, potato chips, popcorn, cookies like Oreos or generic Oreos.

Nothing else substitutes, so far.

Carrots have crunch. Unfortunately, they also give me heartburn. No carrots.

Apples have crunch, but they also have fiber. I can't eat them every day. I can eat them a few times a week. I need to schedule them in.

Celery has crunch. I've never attempted to make them a regular part of my diet.

I'm also trying Matzo crackers. Maybe that will give me the crisp I like.

It's frustrating to me that I have so much trouble remembering to do anything that isn't done every single day. Really. Even things done every other day are easily forgotten, and the next thing I know it's been weeks before I remember to do whatever it was that was an every other day event.

I can only guarantee things I do every day, and even then I slip from time to time.


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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.