Thursday, May 31, 2018

REAL Week 461

REAL - Reduce stress Exercise Adequate sleep Lower caloric intake

What Navy SEALs are required to do to make it into BUD/S:
Right up front: Never in a million years could I do what is required. However, I needed to start somewhere. Considering how fit the SEALs are, I figured it was a good place to start. So my SEAL puppy reps (SEALp) consist of girls' pushups, crunches, and flutter kicks, a SEAL training basic. I started with doing one of each.  Since my accident I haven't done these, but I'm working to add them back into my routine. Currently, I can't sit on the floor and hope to get up again, so crunches and flutter kicks are on hold, and my pushups are against the wall.

Using 1-lb weights:
PT ~ Physical therapy
UBP ~ Upper body exercises and pushups

SEALFit shared some good hints I want to learn and remember:

25: 1-mile walk. PT. UBP. x1. Stretch.

26: 2-1/4 mile walk. PT. UBP. x4. Stretch.

27: Rest.

28: 2-mile walk. PT. UBP. x4. Stretch.

29: 1-mile walk. PT. UBP. 
x2. Stretch.

30: 2-mile walk. PT. UBP. x4. Stretch.

31: 1-mile walk. PT. UBP. x2. Stretch.

Jimmy Thomas is a business man, running a popular romance book cover site, a cover model, personal fitness trainer, and health advisor. Pictures: February 2012 and June 2012. Inspiration, at least to me:

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Follow Up 30 May

How'd I do?

Physical therapy ~ Done

Walk 1 mile ~ Done

Errands ~ Done

Bible Study ~ Done

The Blessing Basket ~ Done, as in worked on but not finished

Eat healthy ~ Done sort of

Read ~ Done

Give the battle to God

Praise God in the storm

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Carpe Diem... Charlotte

NASCAR ~ Truex 2nd McDowell 18th A. Dillon 34th

What needs to be done, today?

Physical therapy

Walk 1 mile


Bible Study

The Blessing Basket

Eat healthy


Give the battle to God

Praise God in the storm

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Thank Goodness It's Sunday 416

~ Homemade gingerbread pancake mini muffins

~ Homemade chocolate chip cookies

~ Clean sheets and blankets

~ A new book by a favorite author

~ Freedom

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Solemn Weekend

I'm preparing for the coming holiday. The military was not honored in my family. Then again, my family is kind of under-acquainted with honor.

Two perspectives, closely related:

Keep in mind, saying Happy Memorial Day is pretty inappropriate. Who says "Happy Funeral Day"?

There are those who struggle with the whole concept of Memorial Day being sidelined by sales and the beginning of summer celebration. I don't blame them.

There are others who also are pained by the lack of reverence, however they also understand the importance of celebrating. The picnics and laughter are a sign that those who gave all did not die in vain.

My church has a pancake breakfast and a guest speaker, a veteran. I look forward to the event every year.

Friday, May 25, 2018


46. His Baby Bond (Sacred Bond series book 1) by Lee Tobin McClain clean contemporary Christian romance.

47. Cowboy Fairytales (Cowboy Fairytales Books 1 and 2) by Lacy Williams contemporary romance. I enjoyed them enough to want to read the rest of the series. Lesson learned: Sometimes free is too expensive.

48. The Toad Prince (Cowboy Fairytales Book 3) by Lacy Williams contemporary romance. The end wasn't particularly satisfying, but I liked the story.

49. The Beastly Princess (Cowboy Fairytales Books 4) by Lacy Williams contemporary romance. I've realized that these are shorter, by about half, than my novellas and cost more. Not impressed. They also aren't really complete in and of themselves. Combining them all, it's a short novel, maybe, with five couples for more than I often pay for a full length novel in paperback. I'm even less impressed to learn the only way to obtain the whole story is to sign up for her newsletter. I won't be finishing the series or reading any of her other books. I don't like being cheated, and that's what this feels like. She's on my No List.

50. Welcome to Last Chance (A Place to Call Home book 1) by Cathleen Armstrong clean contemporary Christian romance. Enjoyable read. I want to read the next one.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

REAL Week 460

REAL - Reduce stress Exercise Adequate sleep Lower caloric intake

What Navy SEALs are required to do to make it into BUD/S:
Right up front: Never in a million years could I do what is required. However, I needed to start somewhere. Considering how fit the SEALs are, I figured it was a good place to start. So my SEAL puppy reps (SEALp) consist of girls' pushups, crunches, and flutter kicks, a SEAL training basic. I started with doing one of each.  Since my accident I haven't done these, but I'm working to add them back into my routine. Currently, I can't sit on the floor and hope to get up again, so crunches and flutter kicks are on hold, and my pushups are against the wall.

Using 1-lb weights:
PT ~ Physical therapy
UBP ~ Upper body exercises and pushups

SEALFit shared some good hints I want to learn and remember:

18: 1/2-mile walk. PT. UBP. x3. Stretch.

19: 1-1/2 mile walk. PT. UBP. x3. Stretch. 1-1/4 hours yard work.

20: Rest.

21: 2-mile walk. PT. UBP. x4. Stretch.

22: 1-mile walk. PT. UBP. 
x2. Stretch.

23: 2-mile walk. PT. UBP. x4. Stretch. Major cleaning, washing, sorting.

24: 1-mile walk. PT. UBP. x2. Stretch.

Jimmy Thomas is a business man, running a popular romance book cover site, a cover model, personal fitness trainer, and health advisor. Pictures: February 2012 and June 2012. Inspiration, at least to me:

Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.