Friday, November 30, 2018

Brain Dump

I recently saw an article where several members of Congress were complaining about the expense of living in the nation's capital. I have a simple and inexpensive solution. We, the taxpayers, may even save money.

Dear Congressmen/women:

There's this amazing invention called the internet. There are even amazing companies that have created websites for the express purpose of holding meetings online. Big corporations use them and so do little companies.

You won't have to find a place to live as you can live right at home.

You will be in closer contact with your constituents, you know, the people who voted for you.

You won't be bothered by those pesky lobbyists. Sorry no special treats for you.

You won't need to wine and dine fellow congressmen/women. You might consider a few get togethers with your constituents, so you don't lose touch with why you're SERVING.

You won't need to fly so much and be away from your family so much. Win Win.

We'll cut your pay in half, but hey, look at all the money you'll save! It'll be like getting a bonus!

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.