Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Brain Dump

This was posted on a friend's social media. I politely chose not to respond. They're allowed to believe what they want. I'm not the thought police. I needed to explore each topic, to explain to myself what I believe and why:

2. I believe healthcare is a right, not a privilege. Somehow that's interpreted as "I believe Obamacare is the end-all, be-all." This is not the case. I'm fully aware that the ACA has problems, that a national healthcare system would require everyone to chip in, and that it's impossible to create one that is devoid of flaws, but I have yet to hear an argument against it that makes "let people die because they can't afford healthcare" a better alternative. I believe healthcare should be far cheaper than it is, and that everyone should have access to it. And no, I'm not opposed to paying higher taxes in the name of making that happen.

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness are rights. These are given by God. No one needs to ask permission or pay a fee. Granted, over the years, Americans have managed to put a price on all three but that's a flaw in human nature not in God's plan. 

Anything that requires consent is not a right. Healthcare services are not a right: Healthcare services are a contract of consent. You are contracting with a nurse, doctor, drug store, hospital for their services. Throw in the government, and you have a whole extra layer of people, which means paychecks and benefits. How is that going to be cheaper?

As to Obamacare, it could be seen as a trial run. You say you know that Obamacare has problems, and then you say you want to put Obamacare on steroids and pretend it will solve all the same healthcare problems that the first one failed to solveSo what you're saying is that the Obamacare claims were lies and failed to deliver. Adding more money and people to an already problematic system will only create more problems.

You don't want to be painted in a certain light and then do exactly that with those that don't agree with you. Accusing people who don't want the government involved in healthcare of wanting people to die is manipulative and a lie. If I believed Universal Healthcare would save more lives, I'd support it. I don't believe it, and no honest evidence exists that says it will. Do you seriously think people won't die under universal healthcare because they can't afford treatment?

Under Obamacare, I know a number of people who lost their medication that worked because it was too expensive to be covered. The government will decide what's affordable and what isn't. Congress members fly on private jets, at taxpayer expense; do they fly you around on a private jet? You still think people won't go without treatment?

Many doctors left the field under "Obamacare" because they couldn't afford to continue to work. One doctor, after factoring in all his expenses and what the government would pay for his services, showed that he would have to pay to see patients. With a shortage of doctors, people will go without treatment. How is more government going to improve that?

Cheaper under government control? "Obamacare" added 160 new departments. That means people who have to be paid and covered by insurance and other benefits, not 160 people but hundreds of people. Medicare 4 All will add even more departments and more people to pay and cover with paychecks and benefits at taxpayer expense, and that's before anyone sees a healthcare provider. Do the homework on the countries with government controlled healthcare that are going to a free-market system, because the government can't afford to pay for everyone. Wait lists of months instead of weeks is the norm. Surgeries are cancelled because of a lack of funding. People going without treatment.

If you want to pay higher taxes, feel free. Check the little box on your IRS form and send the money in. Forcing others to do what you think is right is enslaving them to your way of thinking.

For the record, we have a national healthcare system called the VA. Some veterans have received excellent care. Others have died waiting months for a first appointment. What makes anyone think the government will improve if you add millions of more people?

How can anyone believe that government will make anything cheaper? Why does anyone see the government as benevolent? Why does anyone believe those in government saying Medicare 4 All magically will be affordable? Medicare 4 All is not Free healthcare. It will be funded by the taxpayer. The taxpayers are over 24 trillion in debt. The current entire annual budget is $4 trillion. Medicare 4 All alone is projected to cost almost $3 trillion annually, by the millionaires proposing it who are also saying that they won't raise taxes on the middle class. Who in their right mind thinks this is feasible?

"If you like your health plan, you can keep your health plan." Lie
"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor." Lie
"Your insurance will cost less." Lie

The lies are being repeated. What disturbs me is that there are people who believe it will be different this time.

You want to do something? Start a nonprofit. Others have done it. Or find one already in existence you like and contribute to it. St. Jude and Shriners hospitals have variations on not charging for services. The Ronald McDonald Houses give families a place to stay while children are going through treatment. Check Charity Navigator to see how the charities rate. 

For the record, Goodwill is not a charity; it is a For Profit company. This does not change the fact that they teach job skills and hire the often unemployable. They work with local schools to help students learn how to write a resume and interview.

Do the homework. 

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.