Wednesday, August 14, 2019


66. The Yuletide Angel by Sandra Ardoin Christian historical romance. Forgiveness does not mean a renewal of a relationship; however, it works for this story. I want to try another one of her books.

67. Guardian of the Republic by Allen West with Michele Hickford "An American Ronin's Journey to Faith, Family, and Freedom." I learned more about the beginning of politics in the United States of America than in all my time in school, why the Founding Father's chose the path they did. Fascinating. I also took the opportunity to do some soul searching.

68. A Sidelined Christmas by Toni Shiloh Christian contemporary romance. This is my first read by this author. I enjoyed it and am adding her to my favorites list.

69. Operation Mistletoe (Operation Romance series Book 1) by Elizabeth Maddrey Christian contemporary romance. I'm not a huge fan of main characters that are reporters, but this turned out well. I'm glad I read it and look forward to reading the next book in the series.

70. Reckless: Pride of the Marines by Andrew Geer history. This gave far more history on Reckless' background. If you like things in chronological order, read this one before you read Sgt. Reckless by Robin Hutton, who gives far more detail about Reckless' life once she becomes a Marine.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.