Friday, January 17, 2020

Brain Dump

I've often heard the argument that we've had alcohol for centuries, and marijuana isn't much different. Why keep marijuana illegal? They don't seem to realize that they are arguing apples and oranges. For centuries, alcohol was safer to drink than water. However, a pamphlet was made in the late 1700s or early 1800s by a doctor who had been studying the ill-effects of alcohol and talked about the problem of alcoholism. Not everyone becomes an alcoholic. Not everyone becomes a drug addict who uses marijuana, however, marijuana, unlike alcohol, has never been safer than anything else available.

One study stated that marijuana is wonderful for terminal patients; it doesn't matter what the marijuana does to the patient's brain because the patient is going to die. I know people for whom it's helpful. I also know people who regret ever using it. (I'm still doing homework on the oil.)

Unfortunately, I see a society that doesn't want to hear anything but what they want to hear. If something doesn't agree with their way of thinking then they stick their fingers in their ears and mumble all the reasons they're right, ignoring any reasons why they might be wrong.

I'm astonished at the attitude of "let's try it and see how it turns out" despite any information advising against such a course of action. How many are screaming for socialism? Despite the evidence that socialism not only doesn't work but has cost over 150 million lives.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.