Friday, January 31, 2020

Brain Dump

Medicare for all is the new rallying cry.

The government will pay for everyone's healthcare!


The government doesn't pay for anything.

The government doesn't make anything.

The Taxpayer will pay for everything.

The government will increase taxes.

The government will create new departments, with new employees, to accomplish the aim.

The Taxpayer will pay for the new departments and the new employees.

All the money paying for the new departments and the new employees will not go to healthcare.

Medicare for all is a fantasy.

Many people will point to England. Are they aware that England has cancelled thousands of medical procedures because no money exists to pay for them? Are they aware that people are being allowed to die without basic care, food and water, in hospitals, because there's no money to pay for them and they're old and considered expendable? Are they aware that places like Sweden are turning away from socialist programs and toward the free market?

Is America incapable of learning from the mistakes of other countries?

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.