Friday, April 17, 2020

Brain Dump

The Washington Post said that everyone should only shop every two weeks. What world do they live in? I'm allowed to buy two fresh milk products. My lactose-free milk only comes in 1/2-gallon cartons, so I'm allowed to buy 2 or 1-gal total. I drink over a gallon of milk a week. Milk is the only source of calcium that my body seems able to absorb. So, yes, I shop every week.

We aren't allowed to go to church, even with physical distancing, but public transportation is running, without physical distancing. How does any of this make sense?

When did we become a place where "experts" decided what was best for everyone in a one-size-fits-all solution? One-size-fits-none.

22 million people are unemployed, in America alone. Who decided 22 million people were not essential? I thought everyone was essential, everyone matters, everyone's important, everyone makes a difference. 22 million people cannot take care of themselves and/or their families.

Tell me, how many deaths are acceptable?

We all know none of us is making it out alive, right? Life is terminal. It's part of the package. Fear doesn't change that, but it does make life hell on earth.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.