How'd I do?
Give the battle to God
Praise God in the Storm
John the Baptist accepted his calling with courage and strength. I was listening to Jonathan Roumie read from Matthew 3, describing John. He wore camel hair and ate locus and wild honey. Suddenly it occurred to me that I'm grateful I wasn't called to John's place. Camel hair is itchy, and I locus give me the willies. I do love wild honey. Then I wondered: How many opportunities do I miss because I would never consider them due to personal preferences?
REAL - Reduce stress Exercise Adequate sleep Lower caloric intake
71. Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Love Your Mind and Create a New One by Dr. Joe Dispenza self-help. Fascinating read. I spent a lot of time adapting what he was saying in terms to which I better related. He provides a good step by step exercise for learning to meditate. I used it to help me improve my prayer time. I never used the recorded message for focusing on body parts, a way of turning inward, because my mind tends to wander when I'm listening to almost anything. Instead, I took the opportunity to offer a prayer of gratitude for body parts, which worked in well with my desire to learn to love my body; I've hated it all my life, which seems pretty silly and ungrateful when it's a God-given gift. When I chose a trait to focus on correcting I chose anxiety. It's a totally useless emotion, so I chose to give it to God and see what He would do with it. In less than a week, my anxiety was diminishing. Then in church, a gentleman talked about the Disciples being in the boat with Jesus asleep when the sea was raging. They asked Jesus, "Carest thou not that we perish?" In my head and heart I heard clearly, "Peace, be still." My anxiety is the wind and the waves raging around my little Gospel boat, the place I chose so I could be with Jesus, and He whispers to me, "Peace, be still."
75. Intuitive Eating : A Revolutionary Anti-Diet Approach by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch self-help. It was interesting to see that I came to a lot of the same conclusions on my own. I was already implementing many of their suggestions. This simply gave me the push to keep going in the direction I was already headed. A few things provided clarification for me and have been helpful. Glad I read it and passing it along.
What needs to be done?
Physical therapy
Scripture study
Eat healthy
Good sleep
Make something fun
Give the battle to God
~ God bless A/C, the man who created it, and those who are able to fix it
~ Chatting with my Mama Hattie
~ God's patience
~ God's healing
~ God's grace
How'd I do?
Physical therapy ~ Done
Walk ~ Done
Scripture study ~ Done
Edits ~ Progressing
Read ~ Done
Eat healthy ~ Good
Good sleep ~ Sometimes good, sometimes not
Errands ~ Done
Give the battle to God
Praise God in the Storm
Celebrate with a story.
All or Nothing
The tenth novella in the series is here...
Welcome back to Holiday, USA, small town America, where nothing happens, except holidays... and a little romance, if the hero and heroine trust God.
Secrets? Angela Goodrich owns a few. Moving to Holiday is her dream come true. As Holiday Sweets' new manager, she wants a fresh start even as she wants to share the truth of who she is. Will she still be welcomed?
Anger issues? Caleb Bronson denies it despite the fact he'd like to throttle his EMT partner's new fiancé for wronging his sister. What does it matter if his anger is dominating his life and spills over on the attractive and newest resident of Holiday?
The truth will set you free, if you're willing to endure the discomfort of letting go of the lies. God knows the pain hidden in the soul anyway...
If you prefer paperback, Holiday, USA Anthology 2016-17.
All four novellas, 9-12, are available in their entirety in paperback, including the covers on the back, for those who enjoy collecting a series.
REAL - Reduce stress Exercise Adequate sleep Lower caloric intake
In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.