Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Why Ladyhawkhollow?

When I first began exploring the internet, besides for work, it was to find more on LOTR. I found the official fan club site and thought about joining, but I needed a "handle." I'm the first to admit that my name creating skills are limited at best. I remember staring blankly at the screen wondering what screen name I should choose. I finally gave up, wondering if maybe God was trying to tell me something. Then I remembered the nickname given to me in a class. A fellow student called my name, and I looked up from what I was working on. The guy gasped, "LadyHawke! You have LadyHawke's eyes. You know, from the movie." I was flattered. It was probably one of the nicest compliments I'd ever received. Wanting to be an individual, I didn't want to be mistaken for the movie, so I re-arranged the name a little, and I became Ladyhawk. As a member of that most excellent and admirable community, I found myself writing, for fun, and encouraged by my friends to do so. I wanted a more permanent place to keep my writings, but didn't figure my work alone was worth all the effort, so I invited several of my LOTR friends to join me. My dear nephew needed a project, so he built the website for me. And a brilliant job he did. I gave him the briefest of outlines, having never created a website before and being new to the whole internet thing. He far exceeded my simple imaginings. I needed a name for it. In tribute to JRR Tolkien's Crickhollow, to which Frodo and his friends fled before leaving the Shire, and the conspiracy was unmasked, I chose a variation, and so came into being Ladyhawkhollow. I maintain the website, though it isn't updated nearly enough, I'm told. When I created this blog, they asked for a name. I've already confessed my lack of creative naming abilities; it seemed a perfect fit to simply expand Ladyhawkhollow's boundaries, as I'm learning to explore my own.


  1. May we please have a link to Ladyhawkhollow web page?

  2. Never done this before, so hope it works...

  3. Thanks, I booked marked on my new computer.


Brain Dump

"News" outlets, also known as propaganda machines, release articles including pictures from movies or unrelated documentaries but ...