Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Reality check...

Of late, as I've listened to and read the news, my thoughts have swirled. There has been a hue and cry over all the damage we are inflicting on our planet, the need for social justice regardless of free will, the rights of the many as opposed to the rights of the individual. Global warming has been disproved, but still its supports scream of the impending doom. I've sent emails to my Senators, praying for some common sense. I've given up on my Representative because I've come to realize that he truly believes in what he's doing. More and more bills are introduced to strip away the Constitution of the United States of America. And I find myself bewildered, wondering what happened?

There are those who seriously believe they can make everyone eat healthily, exercise properly. I wonder what they will do to me when I cannot eat the whole grains they demand be a part of everyone's diet. What of those with IBS? Celiac disease? Other food allergies? In chemotherapy, with doctors begging them to eat anything they can keep down? Are they going to magically end abuse? How many eating problems are traceable to things that are already against the law but still happen? What will happen to all of us who do not fit the new model being mapped out for a healthier nation? What kind of insanity is this?

And yes, I'm afraid. Afraid of where those in power are dragging us, regardless of whether or not we want to go. The old fear sinks deep. I know this fear intimately, far too intimately. They are taking away my right to say, No. Being a survivor, I swore I would never be put in that position again, and yet here I am. And yes, I'm angry. Really, bone-deep angry. Angry to once again be in a place where me saying NO means nothing, accomplishes nothing. I resent and abhor that sense of helplessness, powerlessness.

Blessedly, God knows when and how to send a reminder. I remember a quote I was given at the beginning of my mission and have never forgotten: God doesn't always come when you call, but when He does come, He's never late. One of the news articles I read today was from The Washington Post. As it turns out, the scientist have been watching the sun. It has followed the same pattern for the last 100 years that they've been able to observe. Until now. The expected sun spots didn't show. They're late. The scientist don't know why. The scientist don't know what it means. No one has any idea what so ever what this means to Earth, if anything. No one knows anything at all. They can throw out ideas and theories, but in truth they haven't a clue. Clueless. Totally and completely.

God knows.

I laughed, out loud.

Puny Man makes his clever plans, connives, covets, cheats, corrupts, crushes... for what? Power? Glory?

It doesn't matter. When all is said and done, God is in control. The only question left to ask is where do I stand? If I stand with God, then no matter what happens, I know God is with me. There is nothing greater. Will it be easy? Not on a bet. But it is a whole lot more peaceful, at least in my heart. And that's really all God cares about: The state of the human heart.


  1. If we're standing with God, then we're not really powerless. It may seem that way, and those in "control" will try to make us feel that way, but in the end, as you say, God is in control and now one else -- He lets others have charge for a time, but it's still passing through His hand first!

    Thinking of you and praying for continued peace instead of anger and that feeling of powerlessness!


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.