Sunday, June 13, 2010

Thank Goodness It's Sunday #12

~Temperatures in the high 80s/low 90s, in the middle of JUNE!!! God is good.

~Unexpected phone calls from good friends, reminding me they still think of me and care about me. Now to decide: To go to ALEP, or not to go. That is the Question, and a difficult Question it is. There's the financial consideration, and whether or not I'll be able to arrange the time off. Love these kinds of problems. These are the fun ones.

~My new branding coach and team. Thank God for amazing people in my life.

~God bless our military men and women and their families. One of my nieces shared Lonestar's "Somebody's Someone" on Facebook. A good reminder. Freedom ain't free, and I pray I continue to learn to remember to not take it for granted as much as I have in the past. It is difficult to explain how it feels to have the freedom to choose...

~BOOKS! Always grateful for books that make me smile and lift my spirit. I'll post the newest book list, tomorrow. Had a delightful time at book club, this week.


  1. Grateful for reasonably good health; a good job (even if it is hard on my nerves); good friends; good family. Grateful that my Florida friend Michelle is still alive, despite strong chemo. Praying she makes it. So far, so good. God is good.

    It's nice to read about your blessings, Judy!

  2. (((Mary))) Prayer is such a blessing.


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.