Monday, August 19, 2013

Carpe Diem... Michigan...

NASCAR ~ Carl came in 10th. He is still #3 in the Chase. Go Carl!

What needs to be done today?

Blurbs and hooks. Blurbs and hooks. Blurbs and hooks... bah

I also want to work on my plan for the coming year. Should keep me pretty busy. :-)

Home alone time is over. Alas.


  1. Really glad you had some peace and alone time yesterday! Sorry the alone time is over for now.

    Best wishes with your planning! I'm also going to be doing planning of a sort -- I have to make a List of Doom in order to keep my head above water over the course of the next month with all the different jobs and tasks I have to accomplish. ;-)

    1. I still love your List of Doom! :-) God bless!


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.