Tuesday, August 13, 2013

What I accomplished...

...almost everything on my list yesterday.

I still hate blurbs. I'm tackling one book a day.

I'm working on stories, truly never-ending stories.

Spaghetti is divvied up into meals for the next week.

Spreadsheet is done.

Character document is done.

Exercise: Done.

Arranged to chat with one of my author friends about self-publishing.

Not much of a nap. Dicey. We'll see how I respond to the lack of sleep. Sometimes, when I'm focused on a project, I'm fine. Did turn in early last night.

One step at a time.

Oh! Luck in Love is a finalist in the Arianna Cover Art Awards in Romance. Brava Carol Fiorillo!

In case you forgot what it looked like:

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.