Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Comparing PopTarts to generic...

I don't know why I enjoy comparing, but I do.

Okay, PopTarts aren't the best way to spend 200 calories on 1 tart, a pastry with a filling and frosting. They are easy. No preparation, unless you want them toasted.

The taste difference is so slight it isn't really worth noting. Granted PopTarts offers a Cookies and Cream flavor that generic doesn't.

I probably won't buy either again anytime soon, but they didn't go on the never buy again list.


  1. I really enjoy fudge Poptarts untoasted. Very satisfying! I am currently trying to avoid them, but may treat myself in the near future. I have found that the name brand isn't necessary as the generic is also very tasty -- but some generic brands are better than others.

    1. I ate one... okay, two for breakfast. :-) I've also noticed that sometimes generic brands are interchangeable with their name brand counterparts, but there are a few things where the name brand is better. I remember there was something (can't remember now) but the generic was actually better.


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.