Wednesday, September 3, 2014

S'mores Cookies experiment...

Earlier this year, I discovered Russell Stover Big Bite S'mores Bar, with caramel. Yummy!

Side note: I live in an area that's used as a test market. It's great and it's awful.

You find something you like, such as flour tortilla (instead of corn) chips, but it doesn't sell well in general and it goes away never to be seen again. This is what happened to the above bar. Russell Stover still has their dark chocolate variety, but it isn't the one I enjoy most. If I'm going to spend calories, I'm going to spend them on something I love not something I like. Thank you FlyLady for teaching me to keep in my life the things I love and let go of the things I like, making more room for the things I love.

Keebler jumped on the S'mores cookie bandwagon. I'm disappointed. I won't buy it again.

The difference?

Russell Stover is a chocolate covered marshmallow between two crisp graham crackers.

Keebler is a thin layer of marshmallow cream... actually, it's a cream filling masquerading as marshmallow and doing a bad job of it, between two graham crackers dipped in chocolate.

I could eat one Russell Stover bar and was very satisfied.

I ate one Keebler, and another and another... after four, I wasn't satisfied and was feeling a bit sick. Disappointing. Yes, I know it wasn't the brightest thing I've done.

Live and learn.

P.S. I have 3 more bags with 8 cookies each I need to dispose without feeling guilty. Yes, there are only 8 cookies per package. Have I mentioned I'm disappointed and not buying them again?

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.