Saturday, September 13, 2014

My Heroes... Those who serve...

With the anniversary of 9/11, this week, I found stories posted of many of the first responders. The sacrifices they made and the assurance of those left behind that even knowing the outcome they would have done it anyway. Those who saved lives and lost their own. Those who saved lives and continue to live with the haunting memories. Those that helped in the moment, and those who helped for months and years afterward.

Then there were those who didn't choose service as their life's work but served because it's who they are in their soul. The coworkers who helped each other. The total strangers who helped each other. The people who accepted the demand for courage beyond their own banded together and stood for good.

Then there were those who volunteered to serve God and country because they knew evil must be fought. Warriors who chose honor.

The US Army posted this on FB.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.