Friday, September 5, 2014

Food Follow Up...

Friday, peach, rice crispies, chocolate-covered fruit (ccf), pizza, Dove, roll, CIB, coconut ice cream sandwich (cics), and milk.

Saturday, pizza, BBQ chips, ccf, beef sandwich, cics, yogurt, CIB, Dove, and milk.

Sunday, rice crispies, beef sandwich, cics, bread, pot roast, raspberries, Dove, and milk.

Monday, beef sandwich, ginger lemon cookies, hamburger, cics, Greek flat bread, CIB, ccf, Dove, and milk.

Tuesday, beef sandwich, ginger lemon cookies, S'mores cookies, hamburger, cics, Greek flat bread, fresh raspberries with pina colada yogurt, CIB, Dove, and milk.

Yes, I stuffed. I'm giving myself permission, today. Tomorrow, I'll eat better.

Wednesday, turkey sandwich, Dove, Greek flat bread, fresh raspberries with pina colada yogurt, CIB, tuna sandwich, and milk.

Thursday, turkey sandwich, Dove, lemon croissant and hot chocolate, tuna sandwich, Greek flat bread, fresh raspberries with key lime pie yogurt, CIB, and milk.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.