Friday, November 20, 2015

Brain Dump

Rumor has it Jihadi John has been taken out. I'm sorry, but I'm not impressed. They took out binLaden, and now we have ISIS. They took out the coward who planned the Paris attack. Turkey caught eight terrorists crossing its border, so did Texas. As long as there is a group-held belief that anyone who doesn't agree with you should be enslaved or dead, we will know no peace.

Refugees - to take them or not to take them. Some truly need asylum. If the group consisted mostly of widows and orphans, instead of 18-30-year-old males, many people would be a lot less concerned. Inviting everyone who passes by on the street into your house is asking for trouble. The UN has no reason to worry about US citizens. I haven't forgotten Boston or any of several other terrorist attacks and attempts. It will cost 12x more to move them than to care for them where they are. If ISIS is contained, why does anyone need to leave?

We have 50,000 homeless vets, should we take care of them first?

Students want free college. If wishes were horses, beggars would ride. We'd also be neck deep in manure. If it's free for everyone, it ceases to have value to anyone.

Any other weird stuff buzzing in my brain? Not at the moment. Back to stuff I have control over.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.