Friday, November 6, 2015

Brain Dump

I'm watching a British baking show and chuckling to myself.

Several of the contestants couldn't understand why their bread didn't rise or cook properly. One even mentioned that she'd made her bread the exact same way she had at home. What wasn't the same as at home: She was cooking outside, in a tent but still basically outside, on a rainy day.

Humidity makes a difference in baking.

Bacon and red meat have been declared carcinogenic. In truth, in enough amounts, anything can and will kill you. It is possible to drown yourself by drinking too much water. It overloads organs like the kidneys. More likely you'll wash out your electrolytes, which are necessary for your brain. Messages are delivered by the brain via electricity. Electrolytes provide the electricity. Low electrolytes = low electricity = low brain activity. My way of simplifying so I understand.

Eggs have been the worst food on the planet and the best food on the planet. It's like watching a tennis match. Don't like the answer? Wait awhile, the pendulum will swing the other way before long.

I remember when saccharine, an artificial sweetener, was declared carcinogenic. It was promptly removed from everything and banished to the hall of shame. What the study didn't tell you was that you would have to drink 600, yes 600, diet sodas every single day in order to reach the same level the rats were given.

The "experts" have declared that people were not meant to eat wheat. Some people aren't, but that doesn't mean the rest of us should banish it to the dust bin.

I tell people I can't eat bran, and they immediately assume I can't have gluten. I have no problem with gluten. Most people need bran. If I ate the recommended amount of bran I'd be sick all the time.

I remember when nutritionists made recommendations of what to eat instead of declarations of war on food. Thanks, but no thanks. I may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, but I do know how my body responds to what I eat.

Being an expert does not mean you know everything. An expert knows a lot about something but not everything. The purpose of science is not to prove the experts right but to prove the experts wrong.


  1. What this world needs is fewer experts and more sensible people like you. ;-) I basically just ignore whatever these so-called experts say about food, and eat what I know works for me. I naturally have to be careful with bacon because it sometimes doesn't agree with me, but that's why I will eat less of it, not because an expert says it will cause cancer. When I heard that pronouncement, I thought immediately of the egg debate and just laughed.

    That's so funny that those cooks didn't realize about the humidity! Seems like a bad idea to have a cooking show outside in the first place, as it would be too unpredictable, but I guess cooks who know what they are doing could make adjustments...

    1. Good to know we were laughing together!

      I'm surprised by the number of cooks who are not aware of the difference the humidity can make. They know about the altitude difference but not humidity.


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.