Friday, November 13, 2015

Brain Dump

Coffee cups have absolutely nothing to do with Christmas. Really. Nothing. Zip. Zero. Nada. Christmas is about Christ, and Jesus didn't even drink coffee. The earliest history of coffee dates back to the 6th century, maybe. They can't be sure it's even that early. The more certain dates range from the 10th to the 15th century. This is well after the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Of all the causes in the world to champion, a coffee cup fits nowhere on the list. Nowhere.

It is not a criminal offense to offend someone. Assault and threats are regulated by laws. I'm offended by those who think killing babies is an acceptable practice. Others are offended by my point of view. Neither my opinion nor theirs is illegal. Develop a thicker skin. Why allow someone else to have so much control?

Living by emotions is a silly way to live. Emotions are fickle things, ever changing and sometimes dishonest or at least unreliable. Consider: You break a nail. One day you roll your eyes in frustration and another day you completely melt down. One day it didn't matter. You trim it and done. Another day, you're late to work and you can't afford to be late again. The event didn't change. Your emotion changed because of surrounding circumstances. Sometimes, there isn't even an extenuating circumstance, simply a series of unfortunate events. Emotions enhance life like spices. Spices are not food. You can survive without emotions. It isn't pleasant, but it is doable. There are times when you need to disassociate to make it through a crisis. Master your emotions, or your emotions will master you. Yes, this particular message is for me. I shut off my emotions for a lot of years because they weren't safe. When I turned them on again it was like turning on the facet at full blast. Not a pleasant experience. I'm learning to be the master. I admit it surprises me that being the master actually increases the flavor of the spices, increases the awareness of my emotions and makes them more enjoyable.

The media is asking some candidates if they would kill baby Hitler if they could go back in time. Really? Are you kidding me? What kind of stupid question is that? It can't be done. There's no way to know if a baby will be a serial killer. Why don't you ask if they'd go back and stop the plague if they could? Or what about stopping the Chicago Fire? Or warn people about any of the imminent earthquakes, tornadoes, or volcanic eruptions? Speculation may be something to do when you're bored and may be fun, but it's no more reliable than any game of chance. I'm stunned by some of the incredibly stupid questions posed by the media. I grew up trusting the media to give me a relatively unbiased and hopefully reasonably balanced perspective. They've shattered that perception beyond repair. I've caught them in too many lies. They need to stop pretending they're pursuing fact and admit they're only interested in fiction with a few facts randomly thrown in for fun.

Good to have all that out of my head.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.