Wednesday, August 31, 2016


49. Good Enough for a Princess by Carol Moncado Contemporary Christian romance. It's a charming story

50. Island Refuge (Wildflower B&B Romance Book 1) by Kimberly Rose Johnson Contemporary Christian romance. A couple of passages touched my heart.

51. Class-29 UDT SEAL: Reunion Limited Edition by John Carl Roat. The training experience of a SEAL in the early 60s. It isn't prettied up, though I suspect he held back more than a bit. However, if a clean (no swear words) read is expected, expect to be disappointed. It's an amazing read.

52. A Twist of Faith by Pepper Basham Christian Contemporary romance. I didn't like this book, at first. It touched a little too close to home. I loved it by the end and hope she writes the stories of other characters in this book.

53. Light Up the Night (The Knight Stalkers Book 5) by M.L. Bachman Contemporary Action Suspense romance. Bachman tells a gripping story. There are a few steamy scenes.

The photo was from my Funny Cat Photos widget, and I posted it here some time ago. Unfortunately, I haven't figured out how to actually share new photos from my computer. I read an article and the author described it in terms of freeing your photos from prison. Why Mac wants to hold my pictures hostage, I don't know, but I'm not happy about it.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.