Friday, June 22, 2018

Brain Dump

"If you can't make a product better make it harder to get into." This is a quote from one of my seventh grade textbooks. The article was on advertising. Yes, I've remember the quote all these years. It made an impact.

Dove chocolate, sadly, is following this proving the quote to be true. They've changed their packaging and reduced the number of pieces of chocolate from 36 to 30 but are still charging the same price. Not impressed. I think I've purchased my last bag of Dove chocolate.

I love when God provides the weird, silly, little things.

The same day I bought my last bag of Dove chocolate the sale shelves at Fry's had a bag of dark chocolate chips made by a company called Enjoy Life, and it's soy free! In fact, the yummy little chips have two ingredients.


Unsweetened chocolate and cane sugar. Hooyah!

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.