Wednesday, May 31, 2023

TBR 2023

51Lockdown (Saint Squad series Book 2) by Traci Hunter Abramson suspense romance.

52Crossfire (Saint Squad series Book 3) by Traci Hunter Abramson suspense romance.

53Backlash (Saint Squad series Book 4) by Traci Hunter Abramson suspense romance.

54Smokescreen (Saint Squad series Book 5) by Traci Hunter Abramson suspense romance.

55 Obsession by Traci Hunter Abramson suspense romance. Though this is not a Saint Squad story, characters within it are secondary characters in Saint Squad stories. This is also where the book fits in the series. The newest Saint Squad story includes the characters in this book.

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

REAL May 22-27

REAL - Reduce stress Exercise Adequate sleep Lower caloric intake

Mon: Walks 15 min PT 0-lb x1 UB x1 FL x5
Tue: Walk 10/35 min PT 1-lb x3 UB x3 FL x5
Wed: Walk 10/10/30/10/15 min PT 0-lb x1 UB x1 FL x5
Thu: Walk 30 min PT 1-lb x2 UB x2 FL x5
Fri: Walk 10 min PT 0-lb x1 UB x1 FL x5
Sat: Walk 25 min PT 1-lb x3 UB x3 FL x5 Yard work 1-1/2 hours

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Thank Goodness It's Sunday

~ Air conditioning and fans

~ Favorite authors

~ Rise Up's Classic White Bread

~ Those who stand for truth

~ God's grace 

Friday, May 26, 2023

Brain Dump

Summer is coming. I live in the desert. Anything to help me reduce my bill, within reason, is worth considering.

Car cover. I knew it kept the car cooler, but I discovered something else. I was out one evening with an appointment the next morning, so I didn't cover my car overnight. When the sun comes up, there's a short space of time when it shines between the neighbors' house and my carport roof. The sun shining on the car's windshield, for even that short time, heated the space. I compared it to the next day with the car cover. What a difference! Mine is a gray, water resistant cover. Though it's a shiny gray, it's nothing like the glass. 

Hint from my power company: Only turn on fans if you're in the room. The difference is the feel on your skin. It makes no difference to the furniture. 

Black out curtains. Dark colors are more effective than light colors. Drawback: can't see outside and doesn't let light in either. Choosing between light and cooler temps in the house. I use battery operated candles if I want light, along with nightlights, and I have a skylight in my kitchen that provides enough light during the day.

About the skylight, my windows have black shades on the outside. A box black shade was made for the skylight. Yes, I questioned the black color, but the sand colored shades don't offer as much privacy from people looking in. 

Film covering for your windows. I used a lily stained-glass film that is affixed to the glass with water. Can't see out of it either. However, I used it on windows I don't look out anyway, like the master bath, the window above the door, and the glass on my "screen" doors to the house. 

Double pane windows also make a difference. 

Summer is coming. Good luck. 

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

TBR 2023

46More Than This by Staci Stallings Christian contemporary romance. Staci tackles tough subjects, helping me gain insights and greater understanding. I always come away from one of her books feeling like I've learned something about myself. She's a Must Read for me.

47Undercurrents (Undercurrents series Book 1) by Traci Hunter Abramson suspense romance. One of my favorite authors. She has a new book coming out in the Saint Squad series. The SS shows up in Book 3 of this series. Characters that appear throughout the SS series are first introduced in this series.

48Ripple Effect (Undercurrents series Book 2) by Traci Hunter Abramson suspense romance. 

49. The Deep End (Undercurrents series Book 3) by Traci Hunter Abramson suspense romance. 

50Freefall (Saint Squad series Book 1) by Traci Hunter Abramson suspense romance. And so the series begins and my third time reading all of the stories.

Monday, May 22, 2023

REAL May 15-20

REAL - Reduce stress Exercise Adequate sleep Lower caloric intake

Mon: Walks 15/10 min PT 0-lb x1 UB x1 FL x5
Tue: Walk 50/15/10 min PT 1-lb x4 UB x4 FL x5
Wed: Walk 10/30/15/20 min PT 0-lb x1 UB x1 FL x5
Thu: Walk 40/10/15 min PT 1-lb x3 UB x3 FL x5
Fri: Walk 10 min PT 0-lb x1 UB x1 FL x5
Sat: Walk 15/10 min PT 1-lb x1 UB x1 FL x5 

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Thank Goodness It's Sunday

~ A/C and fans

~ Unexpected blessed rain

~ Visiting with friend

~ Beloved books

~ God's grace 

Friday, May 19, 2023

Brain Dump

Heard an "expert" declare that we won't need petroleum in six years. The only explanation for such a stupid statement is that he has decided human life will be over. It doesn't bear thinking that he's truly that ignorant of how much petroleum we use. If you own anything plastic, ANYTHING, that's petroleum. Many medications include petroleum; vaseline is petroleum and a necessity worldwide. According to the "expert's" declaration, we won't need cars, computers, homes, medications, roads, hospitals, stores...and the list goes on and on. God spare us from those who choose willful ignorance over the truth. There are none so blind as those who will not see.

Monday, May 15, 2023

REAL May 8-13

REAL - Reduce stress Exercise Adequate sleep Lower caloric intake

Mon: Walks 15 min PT 0-lb x1 UB x1 FL x5
Tue: Walk 35 min PT 1-lb x3 UB x3 FL x5
Wed: Walk 10/15/30/15/15 min PT 0-lb x1 UB x1 FL x5
Thu: Walk 10/15/30 min PT 1-lb x3 UB x3 FL x5
Fri: Walk 10/10/10 min PT 0-lb x1 UB x1 FL x5
Sat: Walk 35 min PT 1-lb x4 UB x4 FL x5 Yard Work: 60 min

Sunday, May 14, 2023

Thank Goodness It's Sunday

~ Air conditioning and fans

~ Sharing in a friend's special moment

~ Good food

~ Daily opportunity to try to do better

~ God's grace 

Friday, May 12, 2023

Brain Dump

Lithium is a necessary ingredient in batteries, including car batteries. Lithium is a "rare mineral." It is mined in Africa and China by children. The overlords don't care what happens to the children, that they aren't well cared for and die young. How virtuous is that "green energy" now?

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

TBR 2023

41Operation Mountain Rescue (Cutter's Code Book 12) by Justine Davis suspense romance. Team Cutter help Brady and Ashley. Yes, I recently re-read this one, and I'm reading it again. It has a special place in my heart. 

42Operation Whistle Blower (Cutter's Code Book 13) by Justine Davis suspense romance. Parker helps Team Cutter and Carly.

43Operation Payback (Cutter's Code Book 14) by Justine Davis suspense romance. Team Cutter help Tip and Kayley.

44Operation Witness Protection (Cutter's Code Book 15) by Justine Davis suspense romance. The newest Team Cutter story, adding Case and Terri. It was enjoyable re-reading the whole series all at once, the progression and growth of the characters. Why I love JD's books: Her characters are brave, no matter how messy life is; they stumble and make mistakes but work to become better people. I want to be more like them. I do wish the Foxworth Foundation existed in real life; I know a lot of people who could use their help. I can't be Foxworth, but I want to be more helpful. Following Mr. Fred Roger's mother's advice to look for the helpers; I want to be one. For those who don't like bedroom scenes, there are a few and easy to skip over.

45The Fiction Kitchen Trio Cookbook by Sarah M. Eden, Sian Ann Bessey, and Traci Hunter Abramson. Fans wanted recipes for some of the foods they described in their books, and these romance authors obliged. They started a FB page where they had bake offs and fans voted on their favorites. The recipe book finally became a thing, and each recipe is accompanied by a short excerpt from the book in which it's mentioned. I enjoy books by each of the authors. The first two I've read their short stories in the Timeless Collections. Traci is my favorite with her suspense romances. I want to try a few of the recipes, like homemade cream of mushroom soup, tuna casserole though I want to use chicken instead of tuna, and a cherry cobbler, to start. Fun.

Monday, May 8, 2023

REAL May 1-6

REAL - Reduce stress Exercise Adequate sleep Lower caloric intake

Mon: Walks 10 min PT 0-lb x1 UB x1 FL x5
Tue: Walk 35 min PT 1-lb x3 UB x3 FL x5
Wed: Walk 10/35/15/10/15 min PT 0-lb x1 UB x1 FL x5
Thu: Walk 10 min PT 1-lb x1 UB x1 FL x5
Fri: Walk 15/10 min PT 0-lb x2 UB x2 FL x5
Sat: Walk 25 min PT 1-lb x5 UB x5 FL x5 Yard work 35 min 

Sunday, May 7, 2023

Friday, May 5, 2023

Brain Dump

An ad on YouTube is claiming that 99% of scientists agree that climate change is real. Well, yes and no. Those who believe that man is the one causing it is a small fraction of that number. As to the others -- hello -- you live on planet earth. The rocks sport evidence of violent climate changes and mild changes throughout the history of the earth. Ice ages. I would prefer not to see those again. We've yet to reach the heat levels of the Dark Ages. It's evil to place the weight of controlling and changing something they can't on the shoulders of children.

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

TBR 2023

36Operation Soldier Next Door (Cutter's Code Book 7) by Justine Davis suspense romance. Tate and Lacy, expand the Team Cutter friends circle. Yes, I focus on the relationships.

37Operation Alpha (Cutter's Code Book 8) by Justine Davis suspense romance. Team Cutter member Liam helps Ria who's helping students Emily and Dylan.

38Operation Notorious (Cutter's Code Book 9) by Justine Davis suspense romance. Team Cutter lawyer Gavin de Marco steps in to help Katie. Every time I see Gavin's name, I think of Gavin de Becker, head of one of the top security companies and author of "The Gift of Fear," a game changing book for me. I learned to look at fear differently and trust myself more.

39Operation Hero's Watch (Cutter's Code Book 10) by Justine Davis suspense romance. Cassidy and Jace are the focus of Team Cutter.

40Operation Second Chance (Cutter's Code Book 11) by Justine Davis suspense romance. Team Cutter help Adam and Amanda. It's been fun reading through the whole series all at once. 

Monday, May 1, 2023

REAL Apr 24-29

REAL - Reduce stress Exercise Adequate sleep Lower caloric intake

Mon: Walks 10 min PT 0-lb x1 UB x1 FL x5
Tue: Walk 30/10 min PT 1-lb x1 UB x1 FL x5
Wed: Walk 15/10/30/20 min PT 0-lb x1 UB x1 FL x5
Thu: Walk 10/10/20/10/10 min 
Fri: Walk 20/10 min PT 0-lb x2 UB x2 FL x5
Sat: Walk 10/15/10/20/10/10 min PT 1-lb x1 UB x1 FL x5 

Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.