Friday, April 5, 2024

Brain Dump

P R O Act is a huge NO. Free Lance and Independent Contractors will cease to exist, which includes truckers, dancers, WRITERS, etc. Who does it benefit? U N I O N S. Unions have a place, at least when they started, but they have become no better than big business because they are big business. I was forced to join a union, long ago, when I worked for corporate America. Yes, I got a raise, a raise that kicked me into a higher tax bracket and after my union dues, I was taking home LESS money than when I wasn't a union member. Now I'm a writer and an indi publisher, independent publisher; I publish my stories myself. This insanity out of California isn't to benefit the individual but big business, aka, unions. Just say no to the P R O Act.  

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.