As to the swearing, I've discovered that I swear less when I'm feeling right with myself. BTW, pickles just doesn't cut it sometimes. It's annoying to realize that it's all in my mind set. I know this. An article from a church magazine pops into mind: "What is the most important word? Remember." I need to remember that this life is about me and the choices I make. My Savior's Atonement was for me because being human means I make mistakes. The Savior's sacrifice says I'm worth it.
My Branding Coach warned me that discovering my brand would shake my world. He wasn't kidding. I mean, he really wasn't kidding. I didn't buy any Dove chocolate this week to replace what I'd finished. I bought enough zucchini to have it every day. If I have a treat, I have to think about it because I have to prepare it, not pick at it mindlessly. My treat is usually hot cocoa and biscotti. Yummy! But I have to make it. So, I have to want it enough to go through the effort. I'm also trying new things. I make pancakes for breakfast. I tried the generic, and it's the same as the name brand. I made a little change, today. I added a little lavender. Yes, that's right, Lavender. I grow French Lavender in the backyard. I dry the blossoms. I've been using them to keep the bugs out of my room. Today, I took one of the dried blossoms and, after removing the stem, crushed it into the mix. It equaled about 1/8 teaspoon of lavender to 1 cup of pancake mix and 3/4 c water. Oh, my goodness!! It was delicious!! All I could think was Bed and Breakfast quality! I'll be doing that again, and much more conscientious about harvesting my lavender. Wow!!
~I'm grateful for change that scares me silly. Really.
~I'm grateful for air conditioning. Yes, I'll be expressing that deep gratitude all summer long. I really am grateful for it.
~I'm grateful for the new design I found for my blog. I think it fits better.
~I'm grateful for my branding coach, who has nudged me places I'm terrified to go, but need to do it anyway.
~I'm grateful for books!! I'll post the latest list, tomorrow, but will mention two that pertain to the branding struggles. Kay Stockham has a heroine who decides to make it the summer of her getting in shape to become the person she really wants to be. So, I'm endeavoring to create an exercise plan I can live with day in and day out. I'm changing the way I eat, with the intent that this is a permanent change. Sorry, that extreme stuff is not for me. I love hot cocoa and biscotti. That being said, I'm fighting to teach myself that I don't have to have lots of treats. I'm going to become a picky eater! Go me! And Diana Duncan had a heroine who was trying to slay her inner dragon, and realized that she needed to learn to tame it. When I became aware of that inner unrest, the one that could erupt into rage, I was taught it was the daemon. It didn't sound friendly or desirable. How do you love yourself if there's a part of yourself you hate? Thinking of that inner fire as a dragon reminds me of the inner beast that must be turned over to God, rather than a daemon that must be banished or destroyed. I've always been partial to dragons. I'm looking forward to taming mine.
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Brain Dump
"News" outlets, also known as propaganda machines, release articles including pictures from movies or unrelated documentaries but ...
The Hobbit! Whoohoo!! Next December. iTunes has a lovely movie trailer that was posted at FaceBook.
- don't want to do something? I've mentioned, several times, that I have been struggling with the fact that my high school reun...
Interesting that -- adding lavender! I never would have thought of that, myself. My favorite added flavoring is almond, especially in things like pancakes. Yummy!!
ReplyDeleteI like the idea of taming the dragon inside -- seems like once you tame it (with God's help), its strength will be accessible to you, rather than working against you.
I must do something about my weight, too. Just a few pounds makes such a difference in how my joints feel! At the moment, they are complaining a bit, so I know I am over the limit. :-(
Glad you are reading things that are inspiring you, that's what makes setting achievable goals possible!
Taming dragons, sounds like something Haggrad would love.
ReplyDeleteMargaret, I was trying to figure out what to do with the lavender and remembered reading about lavender scones. Pancakes seemed a natural substitution. As to the dragon, I was thinking of the serpents that were killing the Israelites, but if they would look to the serpent raised up, they would live.
ReplyDeleteFlutterby, they just posted the first tailor for HP and Deathly Hollows. Can't wait!
I love the dragon-taming. Awesome.
ReplyDeleteDid not know lavender is edible!?!?!? Cook.
Didn't realize they've posted the first trailer for HP and the Deathly Hallows. DUH. I am SO SO SO out of it. Work occupies 97% of my mind. It should be something like : God occupies 97%, home/family 1%, friends 1%, work 1%. But there you have it.
Son desperately wants to go to the new HP-world at Universal in Florida, but we don't have the money to go, and neither does he. I wouldn't have gone in the summer in any case. Heat stroke, here we come.
I'd love to see Toy Story 3, since I adore TS films, and again, son and hubby want to go, but when I come home from work, laundry, dishes, paying bills, and sleep are all I am concerned with. Nothing else. I don't answer e's as much as before. Not keeping up. Not depressed or anything. Just too tired to care. I have to care about work in order to do a good job; afraid of losing job otherwise. People joke, "You're not going to lose your job!! What are you, crazy?"
Branch manager a few miles away was fired the other day. Wasn't doing a good enough job. She had been in the job about 10 years. So, yes, it can happen. Nobody saw that one coming.
Regards to all. I like the new blog layout.
God bless!
Thanks, Mary! Oooo, I'd like to do the HP thing, too, someday. Life is a fickle thing, blessedly God is in control.