Monday, July 28, 2014

Carpe Diem... Indianapolis...

NASCAR ~ Carl Edwards came in 15th. The news is he's changing teams. Hopeful for him. Go Carl!

What I need to do today:

Tarnished Knight

A bit of clean up in my room. I've allowed things to pile up, and it's bothering me.


As to my weekly progress report, I like it. I don't know why, but it's helpful to me seeing the week's activities written on a single sheet of paper. I pen a red star over the things accomplished. Hmmm... I have a gold pen I could use... maybe I should use it instead. Decisions, decisions.


  1. I think cleaning up is a good part of the writing routine. I know myself that if my work space is too cluttered, I can't concentrate properly!

    The gold pen might be nice to use, since gold might say "well done" better than red -- but if the red shows up better and is brighter, then red is a good color to keep on using because it makes you notice your accomplishments!

    1. Not perfect, but it's better. :-)

      Good point about which is easier to see. Thanks for pointing that out.


Brain Dump

"News" outlets, also known as propaganda machines, release articles including pictures from movies or unrelated documentaries but ...