Friday, October 24, 2014

Following Food...

I enjoyed a delicious lunch with friends at Someburros.

I really love Globalls. Doing something healthy for me: I didn't buy any this week.

I made my own Pumpkin Pie Spice and then used it for a 4-ingredient 60-second recipe for pumpkin cake. Found both recipes on Pinterest. Yummy!

I tried a Boston Market frozen dinner. Meh. I do like the Marie Calendar frozen dinners, and they have a program where you enter a code on the box and they donate to the USO. I like that.

I enjoy the Pringles single servings. I've attempted to divide the cans into single servings and failed. Live and learn.

I'm still enjoying Fry's chicken salad. I bake a Schwan's kieser roll, fresh hot roll with a crispy crust. Yummy.

Eating has been a bit out of control, but it was also a week of editing. We'll see what the next week brings.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.