Saturday, October 18, 2014

My Heroes... Thomas Nelson Jr.

What a remarkable man. He came from a wealthy family. His father left England for America and made good on the promises available to those who worked hard. Like many of the wealthy families of the day, Thomas was sent to England for education.

He watched the English Parliament, and its treatment of the colonies, siding with the colonies, not only vocally but by action. He served in the Continental Congress and voted for Independence.

Interestingly, he was plagued by a disease marring his memory. He returned home to Virginia, where he recovered and served in the militia. Once he was well enough, he returned to Congress, only to become ill again. He returned home and served with courage, honor, and steadfastness.

God will accomplish His will and sometimes uses unexpected means to do so.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.