Saturday, October 25, 2014

My Heroes... US Military...

More specifically all those who are being sent to fight ebola. Personally, I think it's absolutely insane or evil to send military men and women to "fight" ebola. It's a disease. Doctors and nurses and scientists fight diseases. They're trained for it. It's their job to fight disease.

However, our military has been handed the job, and they have accepted the call to do their duty. I pray for them every day that God will protect them and deliver them from evil.


  1. They definitely need our prayers! I'm not sure what other battalions are doing as they are being sent to "fight" ebola, but I know that Abe and his men, as engineers, are going to build facilities, hospitals, etc. to aid those who are doing the real fighting. My prayer is that they will be able to do that safely and return.


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.