Friday, March 13, 2015

TBR List...

17. The Lawman's Honor by Linda Goodnight Whisper Falls series. A contemporary inspirational romance.

18. Operation Power Play of the Cutter's Code series by Justine Davis. Justine is one of my favorites, still. I'm not a fan of the premarital relations, but she keeps it vague. I was first hooked on her Redstone Inc. series. I haven't missed a book since.

19. Fearless: The Undaunted Courage and Ultimate Sacrifice of Navy SEAL Team SIX Operator Adam Brown by Eric Blehm. My first book reading about SEALs was Lone Survivor, which led me to The Warrior Elite. I keep both on my bookshelf above my computer to remind me to never quit and the only easy day was yesterday. I didn't make the connection between The Warrior Elite and Fearless until it was mentioned in the latter. I struggled to put the book down in order to sleep.

20. Building a Perfect Match by Arlene James, one of The Chatam House series. A contemporary inspirational romance.

21. His Ideal Match by Arlene James, one of The Chatam House series.

22. The Bachelor Meets His Match by Arlene James, one of The Chatam House series.


  1. I have been slowly rereading LotR these days, and also devouring Dick Francis mysteries. His books always involve horses and horse racing. I've read most of his books already so I'm rereading my favorites, but yesterday I read one that was new to me, which is always fun! I don't mind rereading mysteries -- it had actually been long enough since I read these that I forgot who the villain was in some cases!

    1. I've read a lot of Dick Francis! Because of the horses. :-) Re-reading LotR sounds like a good idea. I haven't re-read any of my favorites lately because I'm attempting to whittle down my TBR list. It's more difficult now that I have a Kindle. Books pile up in there without me noticing. :-D


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.