Saturday, June 27, 2015

My Heroes... Abigail Smith Adams

Mrs. Adams has always been one of my favorites. Wives of the Signers gives a lovely tribute her. I first became well acquainted with her through the book Those Who Love by Irving Stone. The joy of learning about Abigail is that one is able to do so through her own words. She was a prolific letter writer. Part of the reason I came to love John Adams was because I saw him through her eyes.

She endured much in her life, never giving up.

Can you imagine growing up in a small farming community, living quietly on her husband's farm and eventually finding yourself thrown into the intrigues of upper class society in Europe? She had little education but read a great deal. She did what needed to be done despite her own struggles with her health.

I want to be like Abigail: Brave, faithful, never give up.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.