Saturday, June 13, 2015

My Heroes... Noah Galloway

I rarely watch reality television of any kind. I did watch the last season of Dancing with the Stars, for one reason and one reason only: Noah Galloway.

Noah Galloway is an Army Veteran. He lost an arm and a leg to a roadside bomb in Iraq. Now, he competes in Crossfit events, runs marathons, and competed in the 58-hour Death Race.

I've never heard of a Death Race. I have heard of the Spartan competitions. Yes, the DR is a part of it.

The internet is a wonderful thing. I found the article in Men's Health (it has an embedded video) :

I wish I could have him as a personal trainer. I couldn't point out my physical shortcomings (torn ligaments, messed up knee, jammed arm, herniated disc) as reasons why I couldn't do something. However, he would have a much better idea on how to work around my problems.

It is men and women like Noah Galloway that leave me no way to say, "I can't." I've learned to accept limitations, some are temporary, some are not. What they've taught me is that some of the limitations I thought were insurmountable aren't. I need to say, "I'll give it a shot" before I say, "I can't."

Inspiration is a priceless gift.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.