Friday, January 22, 2016

Brain Dump

A Town Hall meeting where all the participants are hand picked by invitation only is not a town hall meeting. It is a production. When questions are screened so the participants aren't surprised, it doesn't even fit Reality TV.

Here's the truth about Gun Control: It doesn't work.

Gun laws only affect law-abiding citizens.

Law-abiding citizens obey the laws.

Criminals don't.

Denying a law-abiding citizens an effective means to protect themselves from a criminal is aiding and abetting a criminal, isn't it?

Gun laws do not affect the black market, except to make it larger and more lucrative.

Gun laws do not affect those who are determined to break the law.

Gun laws do not affect those who choose evil.

The most recently proposed gun laws would not have stopped a single shooting. Making laws for the sake of making laws is irresponsible. More gun laws only protects politicians who then point at those useless bits of supposed crime prevention as evidence they've done something, regardless of the fact that what they've done is worse than useless.

Inconsistent enforcement of laws changes nothing. Laws already on the books need to be consistently enforced. No excuses like "I had a difficult childhood." Plenty of people do, and they do not become criminals. If it is to be used as an excuse then it must be provable to be consistently true, across the board. If there is an exception to the rule, then the rule is false. An exception to the rule means the rule isn't a rule but a good suggestion.

A society that arbitrarily enforces its own laws is essentially lawless. Adding more laws will not change the lawlessness behavior.

Making law-abiding citizens criminals by the use of arbitrary rules is brainless and frankly evil. It is calling good evil and evil good.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.