Friday, January 15, 2016

Brain Dump

The government has come out with its latest recommendations on what people should eat.

Excuse me, but this is the government that loses money left and right or wastes it on truly ridiculous studies that should never have been proposed let alone financed.

This is the government that has created overlapping departments, which means we pay for the same work two, three, four, and more times over, and it still isn't right.

This is the government that threatens to cut social security but not Congressional paychecks.

This is the government that can't balance its own budget.

This is the government that hires its buddies and fires those who disagree with the current regime.

This is the government that has one agenda with two parties to give the illusion of choice.

This is the government that has created so many laws and allowed so many rules and regulations that every single person in America is breaking several laws every single day without knowing it.

This is the government that thinks more rules makes everything better while it refuses to enforce the laws already established. It's like making rules is a way to pass the time because they really have nothing better to do with their time.

This is the government that can't control itself and yet believes it has the right to control the people.

Dear government, I respectfully suggest you stop pointing that finger at the American public and notice how many fingers are pointing back at you. I believe this is a case of cleaning your own house before telling anyone else how to clean theirs. If you refuse to be an example, then you're a hypocrite.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.