Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy New Year!

What gifts will you give yourself and so the world?

I want to be a more consistent writer.

I want to improve my prayer life, including using fasting more effectively. It does make a difference.

I want to eat and exercise better; I want better physical health.

I want to continue to enjoy reading. Here's to another 100+ books. :-)

I want to give myself permission to watch some of my favorite movies. Yes, this is incredibly difficult for me, as a negative little voice chastises me for wasting time.

I want to listen to good music more often. It's an attitude changer for me, but I don't always remember.

Quite enough to start, don't you think?


  1. I haven't written anything down yet for my goals for the new year, but that's something I have on my agenda for the day. A lot of what I hope to accomplish this year is tied to better time management, but allowing myself permission to do (or not do) some things is also important.

    Happy New Year, Judy -- praying for you in the new year as I did in the old!

    1. This year's word is Consistent, as in I want to be more. :-) Thank you for the prayers. Praying for you and your ministry as always as well.

    2. Consistent is an excellent word -- I feel like that might be a good word to claim as well! I'm still sorting things out, but being consistent would definitely fit with my perceived goals and hopes!


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.