Friday, January 8, 2016

Brain Dump

I watched 20/20 as they told the story of the rescue of 149 Christians from the Middle East.

The reporter's attitude baffled me. She kept emphasizing that only Christians were being saved, as if this was somehow wrong. She went so far as to point out that more Muslims are being killed than Christians, implying that Muslims should be helped before Christians.

Let me clear things up for you, ma'am.

Yes, more Muslims are dying at the hands of ISIS than Christians for the simple reason that there are exponentially more Muslims than Christians. The odds are against the Muslims simply because of the ratio difference. This in no way means that Christians are happy about this. We are not. It's horrific.

So why rescue Christians before Muslims?

Not ALL Muslims are targeted. In fact, many are lost simply as collateral damage. No, I'm not suggesting this is okay. It isn't. It's a simple fact. The odds are against them. Some are targeted because they are not Muslim enough. However it comes down to this: Some are targeted; some are not.

ALL Christians ARE targeted because they ARE CHRISTIAN. No debate. No question. If you are a Christian it isn't a matter of IF you're targeted but WHEN.

Therein lies the difference.

Let me make it simple:

The Nazis killed a lot of people as casualties of war. Many of these people were not targeted. However, the Nazis targeted the Jews because they were Jewish.

Here's another difference in this case specifically: The Christians who are being relocated are ready and willing to be assimilated into their new country. They do not expect their new country to change for them. Their relocation is also completely paid for, as in the country (Slovakia) is not paying for them to relocate. The Nazarene Fund paid for their flight, their papers, their language education, etc. The government, i.e., the taxpayers, didn't pay for them. The UN didn't pay for them. The Nazarene Fund, which receives money from private citizens (mostly in small increments, like $100) paid for them.

For the record, according to several reports from people who have actually visited with the refugees, most do not want to be relocated. They want to be helped where they are. They want to go home, to their homes, without the fear of being killed because the bullies use such cowardly tactics to terrorize other citizens.


  1. Judy, I think perhaps the people who are adding in the muslims killed to the discourse are merely suggesting that millions of non-christians have been harmed and displaced and rather than efforts to help, most of the western world seems to be thinking about how we can keep them out of our countries. I think that is a valid addition to the debate. As a non-believer myself I find it hard to stomach when any religious group seems to ignore members of any other group in their suffering. Surely, Christ told his followers to care for all, not just their own. All of that being said, you are right in your assessment that Christians are not safe in the region, I merely wish we would feel the same urgency to protect all of those who are also not safe regardless of their belief or unbelief. Somehow, we are able to sit comfortably and safe and ignore them. That cannot be right.

    1. I wish the assumption were true. It is not. Muslims have been accepted worldwide. Ten other countries were approached to accept Christians, and all of them said "no," including the United States of America. The US, along with other countries, has already accepted Muslims. Since Muslims ARE being helped, while Christians ARE not, the Nazarene Fund decided to help the Christians.


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.