Friday, August 1, 2014

Food Following...

Friday, rice crispies and peach, turkey sandwich, honey toast, dark chocolate-covered acai berries, roll, CIB, Oreos, and milk.

Saturday, Napoleon at P.Croissant with my sister (yummy), chicken soup, zucchini, Oreos, dark chocolate-covered cherries, roll, CIB, and milk.

Sunday, beef sandwich, pineapple, raspberries, grape juice, roll, crispy brownie thing, and milk.

Monday, corn flakes and peach, cheeseburger, honey toast, chicken broth, CIB, Oreos, Dove, and milk.

Tuesday, corn flakes and peach (I really prefer rice crispies, but I bought the corn flakes on sale so I'm eating them), turkey sandwich, chicken broth, CIB, Dove, and milk. I also bought generic Oreos, and they simply aren't as good as real Oreos. Live and learn. I also bought So Delicious coconut ice cream sandwiches. I've wanted to try them, and I finally found them. I like them. I'm not sure if I was better able to control eating them because I'm learning better control or if there's a difference between the coconut milk and cow's milk. They'll be a repeat buy.

Wednesday, corn flakes and peach, pizza, generic Oreos, CIB, ice cream sandwich, and milk.

Thursday, corn flakes and peach, turkey sandwich, Oreos, soup, CIB, pretzel roll, ice cream sandwich, chocolate-covered cherries, and milk.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.