Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Tuesday Follow Up...

How'd I do?

I made butter, in mason jars. Really. This will become something I do on a regular basis. It is so YUMMY! I'll use my store bought butter for baking, but the fresh stuff will be for fresh bread, pancakes, etc.

My sister and I worked on formatting. Oxymoron: Microsoft Works. Bah.

I've done a little reading.

I sorted through a bunch of stuff so I could fit a new-to-me CD storage tower in my room. I found a box of photos of my horse and my dog. Yes, several hours disappeared as I remembered. Good hours.

Cleared quite a few things away.

Enjoyed an unexpected phone call with a dear friend. God wink.

It was a busy day, and a lot was accomplished, not necessarily what I planned, but all good.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.