Saturday, May 30, 2015

My Heroes... Dorothy Quincy Hancock

The book Wives of the Signers had considerably more on Mrs. Hancock. As I read her brief history, I could easily see her as the American equivalent of a Regency Romance heroine. She was raised well, learned all a young lady was supposed to learn, and had a bit of fire in her nature. She watched the Battle of Lexington from her bedroom window in aunt's home.

She and her husband had two children. Sadly, one died in infancy and the other at age nine. Mr. Hancock passed away first, and Mrs. Hancock remarried. Her second husband passed away, and she died a few years later.

What courage it must have required to not only stand with a revolutionary but to marry him. From the accounts given, she was a worthy companion and quite up to the responsibilities. Mr. Hancock wrote her frequently and complained of her lack of writing him. It made me laugh.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.