Saturday, May 23, 2015

My heroes... Hannah Jack Thornton

Hannah Jack Thornton married at age 18. Her husband was Dr. Matthew Thornton. They had five children and she died 17 years before he did. Life is uncertain. There are no guarantees.

When the author of the book has no information on the wife, more information is given on the husband and the children. Some will say it's an indication of the lack of respect for women. This may be true in some instances, but I think it's far more about the ease of written records. The men were featured in public records.

It isn't really much different today. Wait... what? Really. You know more about those in the public eye than those who are not. Sadly, the world has decided that if you aren't in the public eye, then you aren't really worth noticing. Case in point: You hear about those who behave badly and those whose actions affect a large portion of the population. You don't hear about those who simply live their lives, day to day, no fanfare, no attention. Unless the world decides to do a feel-good feature. A token example of the world's encouragement, which is really a lie. The only time the world is interested in the individual is how it can use said individual for the world's agenda to bend everyone to what the world deems is good and beautiful and worthy.

The fact is that the world has sadly degraded the Stay-At-Home-Mom. If she isn't building her own business while she raises her family, running children everywhere making sure her little darlings have every possible opportunity, then she isn't living up to her potential. Of course, this is a lie. The world talks a good talk about empowering and encouraging people to reach their potential. However, I find it interesting that the world is the one who decides what your potential is and whether or not you're meeting it.

God knows Hannah Jack Thornton. Am I able to be content with the knowledge God knows me?

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.