Saturday, May 9, 2015

My Heroes... Mary Moffat Whipple

She also married her cousin, like Mary Bartlett. Her only daughter died in infancy. She and her husband adopted a niece, who grew up and married. Surviving her husband by many years, little is known of her.

What was her life like? Her husband was a ship's captain until he retired and ran a mercantile until he retired and devoted his life to the cause of Independence. She would have spent a great deal of time without him, needing to learn to stand on her own. Was she involved in the community or a recluse?

Was their childless state a burden? Did she allow it to weigh her down or did she rise above?

From what the book says, there is no information on the private life of the Whipples. How times have changed. The only certain is that she stood by him. All things considered, that says a lot.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.