Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Tuesday Follow Up

How'd I do?

Not so good. My brain is on vacation but should be back later today or at the latest tomorrow. I hope.

I started dictation that needs to be done. I'll work on it, today.

I did a bit of reading, but I even had difficulty concentrating there.

I was more present with my workout, PT, and stretching.

Still working on what to send for the conference. I need to make a decision about bundling. So many books will be available. I don't want to "force" anyone to buy more than they want. Most of the people will be new to my books. Many of them aren't into Christian Romance. I want them to have the option of choosing only one. They're all stand alone readable, except Tarnished Knight, which has an underlying thread that weaves through all four books. However, TK is the only one available. I'm so not a marketing person.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.