Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Fighting my weight...

Okay, I stepped on the scale yesterday. This was me being honest with myself. I'm almost back where I started. I'm disappointed.

Something I know I need to change: I need to stop drinking so much juice. Starting today... well, starting yesterday, Tuesday.

I've done extremely well with my exercise. Go me! Particularly when you consider it used to be my weak point. I hated it. I often skipped days because I didn't feel like doing it. I don't skip anymore. I do understand I cannot let my guard down. I have some wonderful inspirational people I follow in blogs and on FB.

One of those bloggers posted an article that stated those who were the most likely to lose weight were those who varied their eating schedule. In other words, routines are good for establishing good habits, but you need to shake things up once in a while. You can do it yourself or God will do it for you.

I'm going back to eating twice a day, with occasional changes in my routine.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.