Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Are you ready?

I've been watching Christmas movies all month long. Most are pretty cheesy. Warm and cozy and fun.

This Christmas has been different. Better. Happier.

I listen to Christmas music all year long. Why do I enjoy it so much more at Christmas time? I finally discovered the reason, this year. Everyone else is singing along with me. It's wonderful to share the joy.

I've chosen a few special foods to celebrate.

A few years ago, I discovered I enjoy opening presents on Christmas Eve. I stay up watching Christmas shows and open gifts at midnight. Then I sleep in, as much as I ever sleep in and enjoy a leisurely day. This year, I'll take myself for a walk in the morning.

The reason for the season is the birth of the Christ child. Jesus came into the world to shine a light in the darkness, to provide a way Home.

Turning my life over to God has been the hardest thing I've ever done. I struggle with it daily. It's also the most amazing miracles, but I miss them when I allow self-doubt and despair to hold sway. I never imagined I could do what I have, and I know without doubt I could not have accomplished what I have without God.

God bless.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.