Friday, December 6, 2013

Freezing... or close to it...

I love cold weather. Really. Having said that, I don't like walking in the cold. Needless to say, my walks aren't being done. I need to find another way. This is when I wish I had a treadmill. Then the weather wouldn't matter.

Writing is being accomplished. Not as quickly as I'd like, but faster than in the past. Practice.

Eating is better.

My herbal teas have helped with my sleep.

I enjoyed Christmas Wish by Barbara Metzger. The play on words throughout the book is delightful. I read it every year.

Yesterday, I enjoyed breakfast with a few of my writing friends. Bless them.

I watched "The Sound of Music" last night. I thought Carrie Underwood's voice was lovely, but I was frustrated with songs in the wrong place. I also missed favorite lines that weren't used. I understand they needed to trim to fit the time and format, but give me the original.

May your day be blessed.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.